This Article’s Elevator Pitch: Continuing its recent hot streak of unveiling its many projects, Meta has unveiled its version of an A.I. video-generator, with the name of Meta Movie Gen. For business owners, this may be another viable video-generating alternative to the upcoming Sora from OpenAI, along with Google’s Veo.
The Five Most Key Takeaways from This Blog Post
- Meta Movie Gen is currently available to a small group of testers (The New York Times reporters got to play around with it) who will be playing with the A.I. to iron out the kinks until it is market-ready.
- A key feature that Meta is highlighting is that Meta Movie Gen generates both audio and video by using separate tools. With the separate tools, a user would give the video-generator a prompt, then the audio-generator another prompt to give an audio track to the video.
- One of the features that users can look forward to, doubtless with some trepidation, is being able to generate videos of the users themselves by uploading photos of their own face. That means that people can blow entire Sunday afternoons creating deepfakes of themselves for entertainment.
- The outputs look pretty decent, but of course they are not perfect. (One of the biggest challenges that seemingly every A.I. video-generator is facing is the problem of making natural-looking hands appear in videos.)
- For business owners, something to realize about Meta is that it is pretty content to be a free, open-source company, which is doubtless one of the perks and privileges of being a company that rakes in enough earnings from advertising on Facebook and Instagram to get capital for such A.I. (ad)ventures. Meaning, business owners will likely get to use this tool for free, at least for the time being.
More-Efficient Moviemaking
Glossing the name of the A.I. tool shows that Meta is wearing its ambitions on its sleeve: it is specifically looking to create a tool that Hollywood-tier filmmakers would use.
Or, at least, that is the impression that Meta wishes to create: if this tool will meet the standards of Hollywood studios for video production, then surely it (i.e., the A.I. tool) will be able to breezily generate visual marketing content for business owners, correct? (Probably correct.)
Moviemaking is a famously expensive pursuit, and so having a technology that with some prompt-engineering prodding can eliminate the need for, say, shots of wild jungles that would normally be high-priced to get, then suddenly there is a lot more flexibility in the budget. Or, just less need for a bigger budget. Smaller budget, and potentially still-high returns.
The Relevance to Business Owners
There are so many interesting things about this emerging technology that it can be difficult to decide on just what is worth pointing out to business owners.
Of course, using this technology to create things like marketing content may be an obvious use, but imagine businesses bringing their ability to create visual impressions on consumers to a much higher level.
Go to a business’ website, and find nice-looking videos on every web page. All it took was some prompt-engineering to get those videos.
Imagine, for example, a business being able to turn a technical manual showing assembly of a product into a video tutorial for assembly.
Things do not need to be all that ambitious, either, as business owners will be able to submit preexisting footage and have A.I. upscale the quality, edit the footage together, and even fix flubs like poor lighting.
Another one of the large draws of tools like Meta Movie Gen is being able to take preexisting content, like still images, and turn them into more visually eye-grabbing content. Imagine, for instance, a business taking the images of its product catalog and turning them into music-backed short videos with some visual flair.
Overall, the potential of businesses to make an impact on consumers with visual content will be much stronger with this technology.
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