Google’s NotebookLM is a notebook and research-assistance tool powered by A.I. One of its features, Audio Overview, can take the contents of a user’s NotebookLM and generate a podcast from it. This has several applications for business owners.
The Five Most Key Takeaways from This Blog Post
- The tool even has multiple A.I. podcast hosts that give a more human-feeling impression to the podcast.
- It can also focus on just certain portions of the material if there is something of particular interest.
- Internally, this could help businesses effectively communicate important company information in a readily consumable format.
- For customer or client relations, this could be useful in creating easy-to-consume information about the company. Detailed information delivered via podcasts about products and services could streamline communications.
- Customizable options such as audience-targeting or focusing on specific topics can add a level of creative control over the podcasts’ generation.
“Did You Get the Memo?”
This phrase is something of a mainstay in U.S.A. office culture, or at least mainstream representations of U.S.A. office culture in commercial media. (Think of sitcom memos that either go unread, creating complications to the plot, or are simply dull and overstuffed with irrelevant information.)
Audio Overview could offer the next evolution in office memos. Of course, it will likely have its own lampoonable elements (just imagine the A.I. hosts’ possibly uncanny rundowns of company information).
That being said, it will make for more readable or rather just listenable memos that can specifically target divisions within a company.
Suppose there is indeed a glut of research material that could form a memo. Customizing an A.I.-generated series of podcasts on the material could allow for creating A.I. podcasts that break down the memo.
And each podcast could be targeted to a specific division in the workplace. A podcast for the engineers, a podcast for the accounting department, and the like.
That way, nobody needs to sift through any irrelevant information.
Just imagine, if you will, sitting in traffic, on the way to work, while A.I. podcast hosts that replicate a natural-sounding back-and-forth break down your company’s latest Do’s and Don’ts for handling client data. Just one glimpse into the future, here.
Marketing Material
Many companies are launching podcasts to expand the market reach and customer relations of the business.
However, the time and resources creating a podcast requires could be an impediment.
Hence, the use of something like Audio Overviews that could offer quick mini-podcasts about pertinent information for clients.
For instance, an audio how-to walkthrough of how to assemble a product made by the company.
The writer of this blog post expects these mini-podcasts to be the most effective form of A.I.-generated podcasts in a marketing context. The reason being, customers may not be too in love with the idea of hourlong podcasts hosted by A.I.-generated voices.
Caveat Emptor
One of the things to watch out for here is that, as always, business owners should always be wary of oversharing with A.I.
If there is information too sensitive to put in NotebookLM in the first place, do not be tempted to put it in there for the sake of generating a podcast.
At the end of the day, it is worth noting that this should indeed be treated as something like a memo (for internal business) or marketing material.
In other words, it is not a replacement for good old human interaction that allows for, just one example, back-and-forth concerning the details of a memo. Or claims made in marketing material.
Though the interactions between the A.I. hosts are at turns creepily and at turns amusingly accurate at imitating how podcasts hosts interact, the possibilities and improvisatory nature of human-to-human chats are worth maintaining for the sake of doing better business.
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